
20250305 res cottidianae

I had a meeting in the afternoon. 
I felt like... something. 
I was getting tired of it.

In the evening, I had an Italian lesson, then I proofread my thesis and started working on the manuscript for the end of the month. 
Though the manuscript for the end of the month is one of today's topics. 
this topic will probably not attract much attention. 
However, it is important for the times to come.

I could not think about same-sex-marriage thesis.
I have no time to think.
This is the excuse.

Does anybody give me the time to study?!

Limited Liability Partnership.
This is the next topic of my research.
I must go there for my research.

I knew this farm by my research to Hobetsu.

We shouldn't cover up something that's inconvenient.

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