
20250207 res cottidianae

In the afternoon I received the interview about land acquisition by foreigner.
The interview didn't quite go smoothly and I ended up feeling unsatisfied. 
It may also be because I haven't yet organized my own thoughts.
This issue too must be thoroughly addressed.

I have started preparing in earnest for my lecture on the 14th.
I still did not do my best. 
The god of teaching and speaking is not coming down to help me with how to make my lecture meaningful, useful and interesting.

I I try to do both my research and teaching seriously, but sometimes I feel like this is not underestimated.
If I worked for the money, I would be completely lazy and do nothing, but I do.

I wrote the problems of BC yesterday.
Yesterday at Sapporo Kokusai strong wind, sometimes heavy snow, so its very hard condition.
They should take responsiblility by themselves.

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