
20250307 res cottidianae

In the morning, I submitted the manuscript for the end of the month and did university works.
In the evening, I went to interview the medical association.
After that, I wrote my thesis.
I couldn't concentrate for some reason, but it was already past 11pm.
I am too tired.


20250307 res cottidianae

I planed to go out today for my soul, but I couldn't finish my work, so I had to write a few thesises and do university works at the university.

I'll finish the manuscript at the end of the month and submit it tomorrow morning.
I'm also getting close to the thesis on same-sex marriage.

The fact that I haven't been able to get started on anything else is bad.

In the evenig, I looked for materials in the library.
I met a third-year seminar student. 
It's good.

It is bad.
Why are they selfish?

The reconstruction of community in Fukushima is not over.

How should we think about travel?


20250305 res cottidianae

I had a meeting in the afternoon. 
I felt like... something. 
I was getting tired of it.

In the evening, I had an Italian lesson, then I proofread my thesis and started working on the manuscript for the end of the month. 
Though the manuscript for the end of the month is one of today's topics. 
this topic will probably not attract much attention. 
However, it is important for the times to come.

I could not think about same-sex-marriage thesis.
I have no time to think.
This is the excuse.

Does anybody give me the time to study?!

Limited Liability Partnership.
This is the next topic of my research.
I must go there for my research.

I knew this farm by my research to Hobetsu.

We shouldn't cover up something that's inconvenient.


20250304 res cottidianae

The interview survey began in the evening.
I keenly felt that I had not studied enough, and things took a different turn than I had expected.
That could be a research topic in itself, so I decided to continue looking into that direction as well.
I returned to the university after 9 p.m., did some university works for the next day, and went home early, although it was still before 11 p.m.


20250303 res cottidianae

I was ordered to rewrite my entire syllabus... 

In the evening, I went to visit an organization that runs a children's cafeteria with my seminar students.
But the cafeteria was not open today, so they spoke to the staff.
What they thought.

I returned to the university and prepared my thesis and tomorrow's interview.

This is my research topic.
In the view of SDGs and well-being how could we think about this plan.


20250302 res cottidianae

I'm working (studying) again today. 
I'm making progress little by little.
An OG from my seminar came in the afternoon, and an OB from my seminar came in the evening. 
They both seem to be in the same line of work. 
And they were concerned about current seminar students. 
I'm grateful for that.

I'm worried about the situation in Ukraine. 
Even if I worry, anything will not change. 
There was a movie called Civil War.
I'm worried that if America isn't careful, a civil war could break out. 
I'm sure they're not that stupid. 
I'm encouraged by the response from Europe. 
This time the Japanese Prime Minister needs to show leadership.

It is a nice story.
This era the region is important.


20250301 res cottidianae

Time goes quickly.
I did not accomplish anything academic this month.

In the morning, I gave a lecture to junior high school students.
In the afternoon, an OG came to see me.
After that I worked.

When I went to the library to look for materials, I met a seminar student. 
I hope she goes well.

About this news hou do I think.

I worried.
Why did this forest fire occur?

20250228 res cottidianae

I've been suffering from stomach pain for about a year. 
I had no medicine, so I went to the hospital to get some. 
I had an endoscopy last month, so I don't want to think it's something serious, but I am worried.

In the afternoon, I was preparing for tomorrow's lecture for junior high school students. 
It's difficult to convey what you want to say in an hour.

In the evening, I received the proofreading for the interview I did the other day. 
It came with a photo, but the subject was poor. 
I need to be conscious that people are watching me.

I have an interview with Mukawa Town next Tuesday.

I have no time...
Please give me time and energy and clear thinking.


20250227 res cottidianae

There are university works from noon until the evening. 
When my colleagues talked about research and education, I was interesting. 
There was a lot I wanted to say, but it was a learning experience.

After that, I had to deal with university works, my thesis, correspondence with foreign researchers, and final proofreading.

!t was 11pm. 
My car was the only one left in the parking lot.

Tomorrow, I would be preparing for the lecture for junior high school students the day after tomorrow, and the seminar students begin their study session.

I worry about public and citizens life at Kitami.
This problem is not limited to Kitami.
I think each cities, towns, and villages have similar ploblems.
We should what we should do to resolve this problems.

I am very sad.
My father said he was a tough guy.
I agreed.
Young people should watch his movies.
Poseidon Adventure, Scarecrow, The unforgiven...


20250226 res cottidianae

What have I been doing today?
I've been busy with university works.

I slept wrong during the seminar camp and my neck hurt so I couldn't work.

Tomorrow I'll be busy with meetings. 
I want to have time to study.


20250225 res cottidianae

I returned to the university from Rusutsu on a sunny day.
I watched the student presentations 
and did a final check on a requested project in the library. 
I was able to submit it by the evening. 
After that, I worked on the thesis on same-sex marriage...it just didn't come together.

I have a meeting tomorrow. 
I'd forgotten. 
I'm really running out of time for a lot of things.

Winter is almost over. 
I couldn't go snowboarding much, which is unfortunate and sad. 
I have to go to Niseko to do some research.

I've been thinking about for a long time, so it's possible, but looking at the situation in Niseko and Furano, I wonder if it's a good idea...


20250224 res cottidianae

It was a seminar training camp.
We were supposed to meet up in the morning and go snowboarding, but I had to work, so I met up in the evening.

This was probably the last when I met fourth-year student. 
I'm not good at the last.

I also had work to do, so I worked in the lobby.

the efetcts of war...

20240223 res cottidianae

Today I spent the whole day working for another university.
I have to check a request for land acquisition by foreign capital, and the same-sex marriage paper is also a big deal.

Tomorrow is the seminar camp, and I'll be joining them in the evening. 
I can't ski during the day. I am disappointed.
And I feel bad for my seminar students.

My work is the most important.


20250222 res cottidianae

I'm working again today.
I had to write a few thesises.
In the evening, I'm working on some works for another university.
It's not going well.
I don't have enough time.

This problem, I must think.

next to my hometown.
Certainly there were many foreiners.
Cheap labor.
This will become a problem eventually.


20250221 res cottidianae

Today was the translation review meeting. 
I spent too much time on my part. 
I regret it.

I wasn't able to focus on my research, but I re-read the materials. 
It helped me train my brain.

I don't want to get involved in political movements. 
I realized I'm a clean person. 
I have to stay true to myself and not join the crowd or flatter.

This article make me think plan of citys reconstruction.


20250220 res cottidianae

In the morning, I submitted some outside work (although I'll have to check it again by the beginning of next week).
After that, I went to heart the lecture by the Japan Land and Building Surveyors Association. 
The lecture was by a leading professor in current land law. 
The lecture was excellent, both in content and demeanor.

In the evening, I returned to the university and did the final proofreading of my thesises. 
I found more and more points that needed correction. 
I'm sorry.

It was 11pm.
I got tired.

However, I have some thsises and work that I need to finish, so I can't take a break.
I write every time, but I wish I had a body that didn't get tired and a clear mind.

Outside gelande it is risky at Kiroro.


Its good trend.


20250219 res cottidianae

In the morning I received the message of my younger cousins death.
I contacted him a few months ago.
I was complicated. 
I worried about myself...

In the noon OG came to meet me.
I am glad that she worked seriously and enjoyed her job.
She gave me chocolate...Thanks! 
She saw this blog...Thanks!

In the afternoon I had university works.
I worked in my spare time.
I can't finish my thesis on same-sex marriage.
I feel aplogy for my co-authors and students.

I've finally finished checking the syllabus that I've been working on for the past few days.

Tomorrow I must go to hear the lecture.


20240218 res cottidianae

I had a lot of business to do, so I finally had some free time in the evening. 
I went to the library to gather some materials. 
Students should also make use of library 
Library is treasure trove.
I still have some student matters that I haven't started on yet. 
I have a little bit of time tomorrow, so I'll have to work on them then.

In the morning I met a colleague in the middle of running.


20250217 res cottidianae

I had university works until the evening.
I had one more university work, but then I went to the library to gather materials for my thesis.
I could not concente, but I did a little bit of writing.
I did other university work from 9 p.m.

I feel stressed when I can't get started on my research.


20250216 res cottidianae

Today I had planned to return to Ibaraki, but because I had a lecture on the 14th and university works on the 17th, I apologised to my older brother and sister and gave up on the plan.

I came to the university in the afternoon to consider the results of the lecture on the 14th. and do some university works.
After that, I was in a daze for about an hour and a half. 
I could not do anything.
I wasted my time, but I realised I was tired and bored.
So I went home earlier than usual. 
But almost 22pm...

I think Valentine's Day is a wonderful custom, but I'm not sure about the current trend.

I must go there for my research.
I have no time to go.

Anybody give me time, strength, and clear thinking.


20250115 res cottidianae

After finishing my lecture yesterday, I had some time for myself. 
I returned to the university in the evening and reflected a little on yesterday's lecture.

From tomorrow, I have to start working on the thesis on the issue of same-sex marriage, as well as other thesises.

I have a lot to do.
I wonder what the meaning of my research is and what is fun in life.

On the way home, I drove on the highway, watching the sun go down. 
It was beautiful.

I must go there for my research.

20250214 res cottidianae

Today, I gave a lecture for experts. 
The highway was closed, so I was late. 
I was overly optimistic.

At the konshin-kai after the lecture - which I rarely attend - I learned a lot, as usual, from hearing the opinions of experts. 
I was given a new problem. 
It's a shame that I don't remember all the problems that were pointed out, but I'll remember them eventually.

This  body of the experts has been supporting me ever since I became a university professor. 
I have to do work that benefits them.
I was scolded for asking me what I was doing in Italy, but if I can go there this summer, I would like to address some of the issues.

I must not stop writing my thesis here, I must finish it.


20250213 res cottidianae

Today what I was doing?
In the afternoon I went to the elementary school for law-related education with my seminar students.

After that I prepared the tomorrows lecture.
It is not good, interesting...

This issue is linked to same sex-marriage.
I hope a diverse and sophisticated society.
But perhaps I am the only person who wants that.
I am not a legal scholar.

Tomorrow that is why I do not study at my office.
I want time to study. time to read, think and write.


20250212 res cottidianae

In the morning I felt sore throat, sore gums, sore teeth....
So I decided not to run for the lecture on 14th.

From the morning I prepared the lecture...
Perhaps the lecture will be not interesting...
In the meantime I had university works.
They are bored...

I have more time to study...
I want a body that doesn't tire and a clear mind.
I must not forget my Beruf.

Good trend.

We need to seriously consider what we really need to do to protect powder snow.


20250211 res cottidianae

What I was doing???
I wrote a few thesises.
One is about same-sex marriage.
I have not finished it yet.
The other is about the land whose owner are not found.
It is theme of the lecture on 14th Feb.

I felt unwell...toothache???

It is the problem anywhere.


20250210 res cottidianae

What did I do today?
I did some university works, wrote thesises, and prepared for a lecture.

Doing university works should not make me feel like I've done my job.

The challenge of the new second-year seminar student has begun. 
It's a small step, but I hope that she can make their dreams come true one by one.

I need to finish my thesises and prepare for my lecture.
I plan to submit the latter overseas, but before that I decided to submit it in Japanese.

I have two projects.
As expected, unfortunately a few junior high school students apply for the first one.

I wonder how the latter will turn out. 
I given it a silly title. 
And can someone please make an icon of me to use in this flyer?


20250209 res cottidianae

In the morning, I had a Latin lesson.
After finishing some university works and preparing another Latin resumme, I moved to my research.

The professors in charge of entrance exam were at the university. 

I met with professors of environmental economics who I had been trying to get in touch with and I told them that I wanted them to teach me a lot of things. 
I guess they thought I was suspicious.

I thing that unwanted pregnancies are one of the causes of baby-post and child abuse. 
Therefore, I think that it is necessary to have this medicine readily available. 
The criticism that it leads to a breakdown in sexual morality is unfounded.


20250208 res cottidianae

Today I was an entrance exam supervisor. 
While supervising, I thought about the structure of manuscripts and organized and summarized research. 
I could plan my research a little.
I need to reflect on last month and this month's schedule.

After supervising, I studied for my lecture. 
However, I went home a little early today (although before 9pm).

I don't have time for a lot of things.

I hate using the word "busy," and I hate when people tell me ‘you are busy’.
Being busy means not being able to manage my time. 
Besides, I'm grateful to have so much to do.

20250207 res cottidianae

In the afternoon I received the interview about land acquisition by foreigner.
The interview didn't quite go smoothly and I ended up feeling unsatisfied. 
It may also be because I haven't yet organized my own thoughts.
This issue too must be thoroughly addressed.

I have started preparing in earnest for my lecture on the 14th.
I still did not do my best. 
The god of teaching and speaking is not coming down to help me with how to make my lecture meaningful, useful and interesting.

I I try to do both my research and teaching seriously, but sometimes I feel like this is not underestimated.
If I worked for the money, I would be completely lazy and do nothing, but I do.

I wrote the problems of BC yesterday.
Yesterday at Sapporo Kokusai strong wind, sometimes heavy snow, so its very hard condition.
They should take responsiblility by themselves.


20250206 res cottidianae

After finishing my school affairs, I prepared for tomorrow's interview. 
I didn't get to do any research...

The road collapse in Saitama Prefecture was a sign of infrastructure deterioration. 
I need to think about what to do about our lives and society.
Thinking about the various problems that arise in society, it makes me realize that there is no time to waste.

For cleaning my soul...but I feel fear.
I can not recover my skill due to last year injure...

I think backcountry regulations are necessary in terms of roaming (skiing snowbording...) on the land.


2025025 res cottidianae

I graded the students for the second semester.
After that, I went to the Sapporo Chamber of Commerce and Industry to be a judge for a project sponsored by the Chamber.
A mixed team of seminar student won the prize. 
It will be good for his confidence.
I returned to the office and had the lesson about Latin language.
Then I wrote the manuscript at the end of the (last) month, which was long overdue.
This was also preparation for a lecture I give on the 14th of next week.
The framework for the lecture is starting to take shape.
It all comes down to a lack of studying.
If I tell students such arrogant things, I need to do it perfectly.

The most annoying news today


20250204 res cottidianae

Since I felt unwell, I took a break from training. 
My research has not been going well.
Perhaps I was tired….

In society, there is a lot of talk about wage increases, and wages are actually being raised, but we are facing wage cuts.

This news is one of my research topic.


20250203 res cottidianae

In the morning, I had an endoscopy. 
Chronic gastritis and acute gastritis. 
It wasn't anything serious, but I have stomach ache. 
After returning from the hospital, I felt unwell for a long time, probably because of the endoscopy. 
I felt like I had a cold and my back hurt.
I read some materials about same-sex marriage issues.

I thought about doing backcountry training tomorrow, but decided not to go, thinking about my health.

Just timely topic.
Today I recieved the message.


20250202 res cottidianae

I submitted three proofread copies of my thesis.
It happens every time, but I get sick of how stupid I am. 
I had a manuscript to write at the end of the (last) month, so I rearranged the chairs in my office to prevent back pain. 
The security guard helped me move the chairs in and out to prevent back pain.

I need to start preparing in earnest for my lecture on the 14th. 
Besides that, I have a lots of work to do.

Today it was an unexpected encounter and I was delighted.

A review of January and plans for February will be released later this week.

Trade war starts.

I dont know how I think this news.


20250202 法学&債権総論





20250201 res cottidianae

Times passe quickly.
Last month I was not able to do nothing academic.

I'm working today too. 
I have a thesis due the day after tomorrow to proofread, and a manuscript to be written at the end of the (last) month (yesterday). 
The former is making me feel depressed about how stupid I am.


20250131 res cottidianae

With some students, I went to the Sapporo District Court to observe a lawsuit about separate surnames for married couples.
It was a lawsuit for policy formation. 

I was keenly aware that the application of the law is a fiction. 
Protecting human rights is the aim, but I witnessed the state of the legal profession, which is the opposite of that attitude. 
I don't know if I'm crazy, naive, or clean. 
I try to keep quiet when I'm angry, but I end up saying something nasty.

I have to seriously resume my research, which I have been neglecting since I went to the Netherlands at the end of August last year. 
This research is also a challenge to Japanese property law, and perhaps no one has tackled it yet.

We should recieve this fact sinsierly.

Common sense to Trump is nonsense to most people.

What is the truth? 

I think Japan is the only place where Starbucks has become a brand.


20250130 res cottidianae

I have had a few interviews with students. 
My research has been interrupted and I can't concentrate. 
I need to be mentally strong.

What can I say... a selfish request is offered. 
I rejected it straight away. 
I don't want to be like that.

The more rice ripens, the more it bows its head. 
A capable hawk hides its claws. 
I need to adopt that kind of attitude.

I didnt know this fact.


20250129 res cottidianae

Today is  the meeting day. 
As always, there was a lot to think about. 
Time is money. 
I want to use that time for research and education.

I should be careful too.
At Sapporo Kokusai many foreigners climbed for back country.
It can't be helped because the cultures are different, but I think some measures are needed.


20250128 res cottidianae

I was giving advice to a person who is a friend of an OG of my seminar. 
The solution to the problem was close to finish, so I went to talk to her. 
I was forced to think about a lot while coming to my office.

I had been thinking about studying today, but  I had managed some school affairs. 
I went to the library to gather some materials to refresh myself. 
A retired professor who is the university's top researchers was studying in the library. He is amazing.

I feel like the research that is Beruf of researchers is being neglected.

The Nakai-case has led to discussions about harassment issues etc. 
Is this the kind of society we live in? 
I feel a sense of anxiety about the future of society.

Tomorrow morning I have to go to the hospital for my inspection.
I have no time to study.
I am so stressed.


20250127 res cottidianae

I went to a children's tabeluna. 
I admired the organizers' determination.
Afterwards, I went to a radio recording in a while. 
Feeling nostalgic, I contacted a seminar student who had been assistants in the past.

It was a refreshing change of pace. 
There were a lot of western people.
Many of them were going to BC, but from where were they getting that information? 
When I asked them where they were from, they answered, whether it was true or not, that we came from England.


20250126 res cottidianae

I started marking the General Theory of Obligations exam. 
I expected it, but it's not good. 
There are several answers with single-scores out of a total of 100. 
I have to think about whether my teaching method was poor.

I also started correcting the final assignment for law. 
There was one good answer.

I'm tired, but I wanted to go home, but I had to listen to the online course in the evening, so I stuck around until the evening. 

Tomorrow, after I've had a chance to cleanse my soul, I'll say hello to the NPO that my students have been helping, and in the evening I'll accompany the new second-year seminar students to a certain place...

The perpetrator of the Nagano street attack has been arrested. 
I think that there have been many incidents of crimes motivated by hatred towards society recently. 
Is this a reflection of the poor state of society?

In our seminar activities, I exchange with seminars from other universities. Sometimes we go there, and sometimes they come to Sapporo.
Although it costs money, students spend months preparing for the exchange, and when the day comes, they are academically stimulated and learn about the culture of other universities, which is a great benefit to students.
However, with the rising cost of airfare and accommodation, it is honestly becoming difficult to continue. 
Students are taking on more part-time jobs to earn money for exchanges with other universities, which cuts into their study time and energy.
Its a vicious cycle.
The rising cost of living is depriving students of a field in which they study.
I have appealed to airlines and hotel chains about this situation, but to no avail. However, I believe it is important to raise the issue socially.

How should we think about this...?

I've received a notice of the second hearing date for the lawsuit regarding selected separate surnames for married couples.


2025年度 シラバス


20250125 res cottidianae

I have to finish writing the syllabus for next year by tomorrow.
I checked some assignments of law. 
There were many answers that didn't seem serious enough, or rather, weren't well thought out. 
I think this university will become a really bad university. 
How can I get students to study seriously?

After going to the dentist in the afternoon, I started feeling even worse...


20250124 res cottidianae

In the evening, I ran for 30 minutes in the gym. 
I was worried about my back, but it's fine for now. 
I hope it will continue to recover.

It's International Education Day.
Students are on spring break. 
As I wrote on Slack, I want students to be grateful for what they can learn. 
Right now is a time when they can learn a lot. Please don't ruin it.

Its nice!

I saw this NPO before.
But I forgot it.
On facebook I remember its activity.


20250123 res cottidianae

I finished writing the related to Law-related education. 
Unusually, I submitted it before the deadline. 
However, I didn't persevere until the very end. 
I need to tighten up my lazy attitude.

As part of my rehabilitation, I walked on the running course in the gym. 
I didn't push myself too hard.

I have to check assignments, and prepare the syllabus for next year.
I need to get back to my academic life.

I checked out magazines at the library, etc. 
Anti-intellectualism is rampant throughout the world. 
Universities are no exception.

He is great.
He must be working hard without anyone knowing. 
I want students to follow this example. 
Of cource, the same to myself. 
Isn't it cooler to live like him than to live half-heartedly? 
Even if we can't live like him.

I am looking for university students to act as facilitators.


20250122 res cottidianae

Aside from meetings and extension class, I was writing the thesis related to legal education. 
The deadline is tomorrow at 5 p.m. I have to work hard.

I'm sorry that I've been slow to check assignments and exam papers.

The issue of sexual minorities.
Let's acknowledge diversity.
Institution must be based on minorities.

My research topic.
I think I will write the thesis about this theme.

What do you think?

Overturism problem.
Tourism boosts the economy, but it also has to take into account the well-being of the local area and its residents.


20250122 res cottidianae

In the morning, I had a meeting about important land.
It was informative and made me realize that I have to continue my research. 
It's a scramble.

In the evening, I had a translation review meeting. 
My English skills are declining. 
I've only been reading English recently, what's wrong with me?

After that, I wrote the thesis related to legal education.

President Trump takes office.
As I've written many times before, I'm disappointed.
I'll upload the materials to the seminar's Slack, so I'd like to discuss them with seminar students.
I can't help but think that what Trump is saying is nonsense.

Its great.

What do you think? 

I'm curious about who was the international law professor that testified in court.

In the world there are too many foolish things.


20250120 res cottidianae

I came to the university leaning on my mountain pole.

I haven't been able to move around freely since Friday, so with the help of the university staff, I got through the accumulated administrative work. 
I'll send it  the students tomorrow morning.

The deadline was this Thursday, but I was taking it too easy. 
I have to work hard and finish writing.

Tomorrow, I have a meeting with the Japanese government regarding the Important Land Law. 
I have to prepare for that too.

I've also been working on the issue of same-sex marriage, which is becoming a fraud in my writing.

It's hard to walk, my lower back hurts immediately when I sit, my whole body feels strange, I can't concentrate, it's troubling me. 
But I wish its getting better.

What is our Beruf?
I understand it, but the other think differently.

There are a lot of ridiculous things.
When I talk to students, I find that there are a lot of Trump supporters, and even on campus there are a lot of stupid things happening, which makes me feel so depressed.

20150119 res cottidianae

I'm feeling better than yesterday. 
In the evening, I went to a nearby supermarket as my rehabilitation, but I waiked at slow pace.
I was working on thesises, but after sitting for an hour, my back started to hurt and I couldn't concentrate.
Since last month I've been getting my back pain even when sitting on a chair in the office, so I wonder if the chair is to blame. 
I've started thinking about buying a chair at Nitori or somewhere.

Tomorrow I will go to my office, using my moutain stick...

smoking is freedom of each individual, but I think this issue is one of selfcontroll.
smoking, drinking, and fatness. I think we can stop and nonstop? by our will.


20250118 res cottidianae

I got up at 6 am for supervision of the exam. 
It's better than yesterday, but I still can't walk today. 
After taking 2-3 steps I stop because of my back hurts. 
If I sit down, my back hurts again. 
I called to say I'll be absent. 
I apologize the person who replaced me.

Since my left wrist injury last year, my body has become stiff, and I've been having my usual backs pain more than usual. 
Because I'm getting old? 
I dont want to think this way.
I need to do flexibility exercise. 
I know that, but I don't have the time.

Perhaps because of my back hurts, I felt unwell all day.
So I cant get my works done anche today.

This situation is one of my research topics.


20250117 res cottidianae

All of a sudden, I injured my back, so called Gikkuri-Goshi.

It was difficult to walk from the parking lot to my office, and from my office to the toilet.
I was worried about whether I would be okay for the entrance exam tomorrow.
Because of this, I couldn't get any work done during the day.
So I finished some of the university administrative tasks that had piled up.

Gikkuri-Goshi, it is not getting better.
I have a trouble.

I thought aging meant maturity, but that's not the reality.
I will not be involved in foolish persons, matters.

I should keep my eyes on this topic.
I wuold like to explain it correctly.

20250116 res cottidianae

I was busy with school affairs... 
I know it's my fault for being lazy
 (maybe I was just not feeling well...). 
I haven't finished yet, so I think I'll finish it by next Monday. 
I'll send out the SP sheet at the beginning of next week.

At night, I went to the library to collect materials. 
I found a thesis by a junior colleague in the Waseda Graduate Law Review. 
She attended Meiji -Gakuin University and was in Professor Tsuji's seminar, then went on to graduate school at Gakushuin University, and moved to Waseda University for her doctor course.
I think she's about 10 years younger than me, but I was impressed by how hard she's worked. 
It's really tough to get a job as a university professor in Tokyo. 
To get the job, we need three thesises and some temporary teaching jobs in some universities.
We should recognize this fact(practise). 

The library has a variety of books and magazines, so it's fun. 
I want students to understand this feeling too.

I have finished checking the second assignment on general theory of obligations.

How do you think? 
And what is the situation in Japan?

I wish this agreement wil be obeyed and last.

If we are prepared, we will prevent damages and have no worries...


20250115 res cottidianae

Perhaps because of the vaccine I got yesterday, I've been feeling extremely fatigued since this morning.
I finally recovered after studying Italian and Latin in the evening.
After that, I had to check assignments and do school affairs...

I feel stressed that I can't focus on research.

I would like to discuss with students what we can do to improve the university.
As I always write, I think it's important for us to research hard and produce results.
If we only think about internal issues from a domestic perspective, we won't be able to compete with universities in Japan or around the world.

So interested.

We must think this situation of Noto.


20250114 res cottidianae

I got the vaccine in the morning.

In the afternoon, my parts where I got the vaccine started to hurt, and my whole body started to feel fatigued... 
I wonder if it's the effect of the vaccine.

After the supplementary class, I went to the library and looked for materials for my thesis. 
In the process, I looked at the latest journals of other universities, and it seemed to have developed academically. 
I felt ashamed of myself. 
It reminded me that I need to keep my eyes open to social issues and work harder.

Regarding the accommodation tax: 
I think it should be introduced, but I have doubts about the soaring accommodation costs and the fact that we have to pay the accommodation tax when we go to Tokyo for a joint seminar. 
I think I would like to take measures, such as lowering the price of accommodation when students use it for their studies. 

Tody I felt that there was a lot of stupidity. 
This job requires a noble character. Not cunning.

I am interested in this news.

I have to be careful about it too.

2025011404 金融取引法




20250113 res cottidianae

After the training, I went to university and prepared for tomorrow's supplementary class and checked assignments.
I read some materials about same-sex marriage, an issue that I've had a hard time getting into. 
It's material I've read before, but I'd completely forgotten about it.
I had hard training, so I felt unwell.

Tomorrow, in the morning I'll get a flu vaccine, and in the afternoon I'll have an information session for the National Center Test and a supplementary class. 
I'll gather materials at the library and work on my manuscript. 
I don't have enough time.

I know I have too many thesises, so I am very tired.
But I must do.

need to understand this legal scheme.


20250111 res cottidianae

I volunteered to give Latin lessons.
I checked some assignments for law and general theory of obligations.
The former was worse because there were a lot of careless answers. 
I have to think about how to get them to write reports that university students should write.
I went to the library to find materials on the issue of same-sex marriage and made copies.
I returned to my office and read them.

It occurred to me that foreign language teachers seem to be somewhat intolerant.

I dont have this point of view.

I don't know what to think, so I want to know what you think.

20250111 res cottidianae

I arrived at the university around 4pm. 
There was a translation review meeting. 
To get my body and mind in shape, I ran in the gym for about 30 minutes. 
I finished half of the explanation for the exam on the General Principles of Obligations.
I will finish the manuscript on the same-sex marriage issue tomorrow or the day after.

I have to study for my research on Friday and for the hearing with the Japanese government next week. 
For the latter, I will read a whole English book.

After finishing my lectures, I have about two and a half months to devote to research. 
I have to work hard.

I dont know cars made in China.
In Japan we can not see those.

I want to talk about these issues. 
If there are any students or faculty member reading this blog, please send a message to me.

Shouldn't we discuss this theme more!

I'll upload it to the seminar's Slack later.

To get back real me.
But what(who)is my real character, humanity...

I bought this board two years ago.
But I bloke my left wrist.
So I didnt ride this for two years.
My riding in a while is a little dangerous...
All I need is practice and practice...


20250110 res cottidianae

After the exam I went to Asahikawa for my research.
I did some research at the Northern Architecture Research Institute. 
I learned a lot of things I didn't know from interacting with science researchers, which was interesting and stimulating. 
I did some in-depth research on land law. 
I was given homework, so I have to study it again in depth. 
If I can produce results, it will be research that is rarely seen in Japan.
I was worried about my health and the weather, but I'm glad I came. 
However, after the research, I had a slight headache, which prevented me from making much progress in the research at the city library.
I decided to stay in Asahikawa today because I would have to work if I went back to Sapporo. 
I have to get back before the translation review meeting tomorrow evening.

I think this trend is very good.
I'm worried about what will happen after Trump becomes president.

2025011001 債権総論

 cf. 177条 背信的悪意者論によって



20250109 res cottidianae

After the pre-seminar, I went to the hospital to teste influenza and Covid-19. 
Negative for both influenza and COVID-19, and my blood test was normal. 
So I wondered what was making me feel so unwell.
After my legal-education rehearsal, I copied some materials at the library, returned to the office, and prepared for tomorrow's exam on general theory of obligations. 
I don't think it will be so difficult.

I have to go to Asahikawa tomorrow for research. 
I'm worried about the weather.

Fraudulent Sales should be prevented.

Please explain that news to me.

How about japanese?!

Its wonderful. I like it.


20250108 res cottidianae

Although I wasn't feeling well, 
I went to the university as I had to proofread some papers.
I struggled but finished the proofreading.
But I wasn't able to read the papers in depth.
I went home early with the materials for tomorrow's pre-seminar and the materials for the survey the day after.

its serious problem.

The future outlook was bleak

This is what I said in a recent lecture on financial transactions. I think my assessment is not entirely wrong.


20250107 res cottidianae

Today I was feeling unwell so I went home early.
I didn't have a fever, but I had a stomach ache and chills 
so I couldn't study.

2025010703 法学



20250106 res cottidianae

I gave my first lecture of 2025. 
I suddenly felt unwell before the lecture, but I got through it. 
After that I had a seminar, but I felt unwell during and after it. 
I wonder what's really wrong with me. 
I'm sick・・・I don't want to give lectures.

The library opened today. 
I copied the materials that I couldn't see over the New Year holidays. 
After that, even though I was feeling unwell, I finished my seminar assignments and proofread my thesises. But I didnt finish.
I have to finish the same-sex marriage thesis in a few days.

Its interesting.

But I think there's a more important issue lurking behind this.

I think it is possible to prevent acquisitions by foreign capital for security reasons. However, if this is permitted, it could have a negative impact on international trade due to reciprocity. Complete free trade is also questionable, but we need to consider international guidelines. I'm keeping an eye on what will happen.


2025010603 金融取引法





20240105 res cottidianae

I've almost finished writing the manuscript for the end of the month.
I checked it and I will submitt it tomorro morning.

The issue of same-sex marriage is very difficult 
when I consider assisted reproductive technology and parent-child law. 
I dont research this issue from comparative legal research, 
so I have no ideas on what to do.

I came to the university every day except for January 2nd, 
but I was lazy and couldn't make much progress on my research. 
I have to work hard from tomorrow too.

I met a certain professor. 
I realized that I don't want to live a life that is dependent on the university (company). Academic affairs, campus politics, and human relationships... should not be the raison d'être of university academic work.
I will remain independent and aloof from those.


20250104 res cottidianae

Today I wrote my thesis about the issue of same-sex marriage.
I wrote it, reading materials, so I can't make much progress.
In addition, I haven't studied family law in depth for a while.
In the meantime, several important precedents have come out.
I've looked at these precedents individually, 
but I haven't organized them from a macro perspective, 
so I haven't been able to organize the big picture.
Because of that, I can't make much progress.

As for the manuscript at the end of the month, 
I've started to crystallize the ideas.
It's about the problem of real estate registration law 
regarding land acquisition by foreigners.
I will be able to finish writing the day aftre tomorrow.

I haven't been able to correct the students'homework yet.
I haven't even started preparing for my lectures from Monday.
I have to proofread some of the papers I submitted in November.

From tomorrow I will have busy dayz...

Japan has the same problem.
Last year I went to Amsterdam for my research.
At Amsterdam, I felt, there werent too much tourists.
In Italia everywhere there were too much tourists.
But Italian people enjoyed that situation, I felt...


20230103 res cottidianae

Todays morniing it snowed a lot,
Because of no trace. I didnt run.

I restarted my research and study today.
Especially the thesis about same-sex marriage.
I read many books and thesises.
I wrote some points, but I didnt finish.

About 11 pm I went out of my office.
Outside its too cold.

My academic goal is to research and study 
in a way that helps me realize humanity.
Specifically, to realize people's well-being, social justice, and social equity.

How do I think about this reality?

Protectionist policies


20250102 res cottidianae

I stayed at home all day in a while.
I cleaned my room and read books.
I also watched university rugby in a while.
This year's team has a strong defense and is a good team.

I don't know how many months it took me, 
but I finished reading this book. 
What the experts say is very meaningful.

I also finished setting up my board. 
It's been two years since I last did it, 
so I've forgotten not only how to set it up, but also how to ride it.

Tomorrow I will return to my academic life. 
I need to get serious about working on my manuscript.


20250101 res cottidianae

This year I will write on this blog in English as possible as I can.

New Year's Day. I started work.
Recently, I've been feeling sleepy and unwell around 3 p.m. 
I'd like to think it's due to training and lack of sleep.

I'm struggling with a manuscript on same-sex marriage. 
It's about how to shape parent-child legal systems.

For several years now, I've been saying that law is an academic field that realizes people's well-being and social justice, and creates an equitable society. 
This is also the result of my overseas research.

I intend to energetically pursue research and practice to make this a reality.

Tomorrow I will be at home intendedly.